Morris Goodman

Morris Goodman is an amazing man. In fact they call him “The Miracle Man.” He has a beautiful wife named Cathy. An incredible dog named Bandit who, by the way, likes to sing.

Morris is a sought-after motivational speaker. His clients include AFLAC, General Motors, and Xerox to name a few. He’s written a powerful book and there’s even a short film made about his life with a special appearance by Zig Ziglar.
One of the leading life insurance salesmen in the world, a member of The Million Dollar Round Table and Top of the Table, Morris had success, fame, fortune, and a brand new airplane.

And then things turned upside down. While attempting to land his airplane one afternoon Morris crashed. With his neck broken at C1 and C2, his spinal cord crushed, and every major muscle in his body destroyed Morris was no longer able to perform any bodily function except to blink his eyes. His injuries were too severe for him to survive.

But Morris Goodman is a fighter. He fought long and hard. He had to regain control of his body one small step at a time. His first goal was to get off the ventilator. Eventually Morris started using his stomach muscles to replace his diaphragm. Morris’ road to recovery was daunting. He walked out of the hospital in eight months, but it took years to get a lot of his bodily functions back.

Morris feels you too can learn to be happy, have peace of mind, and accomplish all your goals and dreams no matter what hand life deals you.

Today Morris is a highly sought after speaker who travels the world sharing his story with millions of people and teaching his philosophy on goal setting and personal growth and development.

After a couple years, Morris made a key decision while listening to his friend preach.

But the man the doctors dubbed “The Miracle Man” did survive and with a strong faith in God, courage and determination, Morris not only rebuilt his body but also his mind and outlook on life.


“As Founder & CEO of the world’s largest networking company in the word, I get to see the best in the speaking business. He is the BEST of the best. The impact of him story have on an audience cannot put in word – It has to be EXPERIENCED.” Ivan Misner, BNI